Thursday, May 20, 2021

Wall chasers for a perfect finish to your work!


A wall chaser is a powerful tool specially created to make channels into the walls to install wiring. They are structured similar to angle grinders and are hand-operated. The continuous motions by them against the wall helps in quickly cutting through the wall. Along with the kit, we provide wall chaser power tools and sharp blades. Here are a few applications of Wall Chasers in detail.

Masonry Cutting:

The cutting through masonry creates a tremendous amount of dust that can be harmful to health if inhaled. This masonry then can be shaped as per the requirement.

Wall Cutter:

If you want to install wires through walls for connections or instal windows or door, etc., wall chasers are your solutions. We even provide blades as per your requirements with the power 

tool kit.

Core Drilling:

When the walls are thick, and the core is more robust, cutting through them becomes problematic. Wall chasers are pretty literally the answers to our prayers in such situations. They are known as an excellent solution for core drilling.

Providing an excellent finishing:

With wall chasers, the finishing of the cutting is very smooth. You can neatly fit cables, tubes and pipes with their help. They can be used to cut extra pipes.

To know more about our offers on Wall chasers and their tools kit, visit us at: